Equip Groups

Growing Together in Faith and Unity

At Equip Church, we believe that growth happens best when we grow together. That's why we created Equip Groups—small, welcoming gatherings designed to help you strengthen the foundations of your Christian faith while building meaningful relationships.

Equip Groups meet in homes throughout the week, offering a warm and encouraging space to study God's Word and experience life together. As we dive into Scripture, we grow not only in our knowledge of God but also in unity as a church family.

Find Your Group!
We offer small groups across the greater Phoenix valley and surrounding areas, meeting on various days to fit your schedule. Simply locate a group near you and join in—you'll find an open seat and a warm welcome waiting for you.

At Equip Church, your growth matters to us. We want to see you thrive in your daily walk with Christ, equipped and empowered to live out your faith every day. Let's grow together—find your Equip Group today!

Building Community,
Growing Together

We believe that Equip Groups provide something everyone needs—community. In the book of Acts, we see the early church described as a people who were "in one accord," growing in their faith together, and witnessing God adding to their numbers daily (Acts 2:46-47). That same sense of togetherness and spiritual growth is what we strive for in Equip Groups.

Our goal is to help you connect with a small community where you can grow, serve, and celebrate together. In these groups, you'll discover that faith and fellowship go hand in hand. Sharing life with others strengthens your walk with Christ and deepens your worship, while also providing a place where you can express your love for God through meaningful relationships.

Being part of a community isn't just a nice addition to your faith—it's essential. Equip Groups are here to help you build lasting connections, grow in your relationship with God, and experience the joy of walking alongside others in your spiritual journey.

Come experience the power of community—join an Equip Group today!

Serving Together with Purpose

At Equip Church, we believe that a community of like-minded individuals and families is called not only to grow together but also to serve together. Through Equip Groups, we are empowered to respond to the needs around us—whether within our church, our neighborhoods, or throughout the city.

At the heart of every Equip Group is service. These small group communities are committed to making an impact, both inside and outside the walls of our church. By serving together, we connect with a purpose greater than ourselves. We witness the heart of God at work, and we become His hands extended to those in need—bringing hope, love, and practical help to others.

Whether it's meeting the needs of our church family, reaching out to our local community, or stepping into opportunities to serve across the city, Equip Groups are a tangible expression of God's love in action.

Join an Equip Group today and discover how serving together can deepen your faith, grow your relationships, and help you live out God's purpose in your life. Together, we can make a difference!